Revitalizing Your Church: Moving from Stagnancy to Spiritual and Numerical Vitality

Winter 2010

You may feel you and your church are stuck and are not making any progress. But this is the confidence we have: We are ministers transformed by the Spirit of God to lead others into transformation. We trust this issue of Enrichment journal will give you hope and courage in your situation.


  1. Introduction Church Transformation
  2. Eight Principles To Revitalizing Your Church
  3. Turning the Church Crisis Into a Spiritual Revolution
  4. SIDEBAR: Ten Necessary Changes for the American Church To Have a Bright Future
  5. Engaging the Church in God's Redemption Mission
  6. Helping Churches Rediscover Their Mission
  7. SIDEBAR: Hints on Developing Core Values
  8. SIDEBAR: Shout it Out
  9. SIDBAR: LDR Church Health Assessment Summary of Characteristics/Qualities
  10. SIDEBAR Resources
  11. Comeback Imagination
  12. Strategic Planning for Leadership in the 21st Century
  13. Church Ministry Core Values Audit
  14. SIDEBAR: Think About It
  15. An Effective Strategy for Congregational Transformation
  16. SIDEBAR: Assaulting the Gates
  17. SIDEBAR: A Model of Personal Spirituality That Fuels Transformational Leadership
  18. SIDEBAR: Core Values of a Transformational Leader
  19. Turning the Tide: Becoming a Disciplemaking Church
  20. Reflections on Pursuing the Full Kingdom Potential of Your Congregation
  21. Transforming a Church the Acts 2 Way
  22. Church Transformation Network
  23. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  24. SIDEBAR Additional Reading
  25. Jesus, the Anointed One
  26. The Bioethics Behind Health Care Reform
  27. I'm Worried
  28. How Do I Build a Budget for My Church?
  29. It Just Is Not Working
  30. How To Trim the Sails on Your Church Budget
  31. You Might Need a Preaching Calendar If ...
  32. The Joy of Church Revitalization