Faith and Science: Interpreting God's Word and God's World

Fall 2012

The theme articles that follow touch on four broad issues: (1) The article by Amos Yong and the interview with Steve Krstulovich, Cecil Miller, and Christina Powell address in broad strokes the relationship between faith and science. (2) The articles by Kurt Wise, Hugh Ross, and Davis Young represent the spectrum of evangelical positions on Earth’s age. (3) In their articles, Michael Tenneson, Christina Powell, Jim Bradford, and John Mark Reynolds touch on practical issues that arise when you minister in a scientific age. (4) The concluding articles by Gregory Gannsle, Paul Copan, William Lane Craig, and Timothy McGrew present a reasoned defense of faith against New Atheist misuses of science.


  1. Introduction Faith and Science
  2. Faith and Science
  3. SIDEBAR: Enrichment Journal Recommended Faith Science Resources
  4. A Dialogue on Faith and Science
  5. The Case for a Young Earth
  6. The Case for Day-Age Creation
  7. The Case for an Old Earth
  8. Response to Davis Young and Hugh Ross
  9. Response to Kurt P. Wise and Davis Young
  10. Response to Kurt P. Wise and Hugh Ross
  11. Preparing Young People for a Life of Faith
  12. Science and the Pulpit
  13. Preaching the Gospel in a Scientific Culture
  14. Four Truths About the Religion and Science Debate
  15. Does Science Prove That God Does Not Exist?
  16. Is Religious Belief Just a Brain Function?
  17. Navigating Sam Harris
  18. Science, Doubt, and Miracles
  19. Social Notworking
  20. The Supreme Court’s Health Care Ruling
  21. What To Do When Your Team Says It Cannot Be Done
  22. Where Do You Start?
  23. Your Leadership Legacy
  24. 10 Steps To Better Networking
  25. I’m Having Trouble Balancing Ministry and a Career
  26. The Birth of Jesus
  27. Measuring Responsibility
  28. A Final Word
  29. Breaking Down Faith Barriers With Science
  30. SIDEBAR: Conversation Starters--Breaking Down Faith
  31. The Missional Church
  32. Don't Mess With Stress
  33. The Premise of Discipleship
  34. Spiritual Gifts