Fireproofing Your Marriage and Family

Winter 2009

The stresses of ministry can be destructive to a minister’s home. Often the rate of marital failure in a minister’s home is about the same as in the general population. With God’s help and your intentionality, you can build a healthy marriage and home. Even if you come from a dysfunctional background, you can determine to change. The same transforming power that saved you will enable you to become the spouse and parent you need to be.


  1. An Apostle's Counsel to Married Couples
  2. Happily Married in the Here and Now
  3. Building Ministry Marriages That Last a Lifetime
  4. Fizzle or Sizzle
  5. Back From the Brink
  6. Healing for the Broken Ministry Marriage
  7. Ministry and Marriage
  8. When People Throw Stones
  9. Raising Happy and Healthy Children While in the Ministry
  10. Growing Up in a Pastor's Home
  11. Walking the Prodigal Path
  12. Managing Financial Stressors To Maximize Resources
  13. Binding and Loosing
  14. What Pastors Can Do To Help Couples Affected by Adultery
  15. Year-end Meetings
  16. Church Security
  17. Science and Spiritual Matters
  18. When Two Become One
  19. What Are they really saying?
  20. Character Formation in Children
  21. Why Does God Baptize His People in the Holy Spirit?