Money and Ministry

Winter 2015

This issue addresses such questions as: What does the Bible teach about wealth and stewardship? Will believing in Jesus Christ make us rich? Once wealth is acquired, how should Christians use it? Why has giving decreased, and what practical steps can Christian leaders take to help reverse this trend? In tight times, what are best practices for stretching ministry dollars? Because helping the poor is a core moral obligation for Christians and churches, what are some proven ways of helping the poor that do more good than harm? We explore these and many other stewardship-related topics in the forthcoming pages of this issue.


  1. The Dangers of Wealth
  2. The Prosperity Gospel: A Biblical Evaluation
  3. The State of Church Giving in America
  4. Preaching that Grows the Giving in Your Church
  5. SIDEBAR: Ten Action Steps to Increase Generosity
  6. SIDEBAR: How to Write a Quarterly Giving Letter
  7. Budgeting Beyond the Basics
  8. SIDEBAR: Good to Great
  9. SIDEBAR: To Audit Or Not To Audit That's The Question
  10. SIDEBAR: The Interactive Guide to Church Finance
  11. Kingdom Builders
  12. When Helping Hurts
  13. SIDEBAR: Development, AG, and West Africa
  14. Thriving Financially
  15. SIDEBAR: What Are Your Financial Goals?
  16. SIDEBAR: Overcoming Debt
  17. John Wesley on the Use of Money
  18. Immediate Obedience
  19. SIDEBAR: Six Steps to Immediate Obedience
  20. When God Stood Up
  21. SIDEBAR: Questions for Compassionate Engagement
  22. Equipping and Mobilizing the Church to Reach Muslims Everywhere
  23. SIDEBAR: New Muslim Awareness Curriculum planned
  24. Finding Success in Your Failure
  25. Show, Not (Just) Tell
  26. SIDEBAR: Be Cautious With Personal Illustrations
  27. Gain Trust by Positioning Your Church
  28. Jesus and the Pharisees
  29. Is It Ever Morally Permissible to Deceive? (Or Is It OK to Lie to Nazis?)
  30. Reshaping Beauty
  31. The Problem with Pornography
  32. Naming Your Church as an ‘Additional Insured’
  33. An Interview with Don Headlee
  34. In Our Own Tongues
  36. New Metric Needed
  37. How to Manage a Church Staff When the Org Chart is a Family Tree
  38. What Should Be in a Policy and Procedures Manual
  39. SIDEBAR: Nepotism in the Church
  40. SIDEBAR: Hiring Family
  41. Speaking In Tongues
  42. You Are Already a Theologian
  43. SIDEBAR: Grow Your Knowledge
  44. SIDEBAR: Bibical Theology Book List
  45. Stewardship God's Way