SIDEBAR: 5 Cultural Challenges Men Need to Address

by Samuel Rodriguez

1. Death and Violence

Christian men must address a culture that often disregards life — in and out of the womb. We must provide a biblical alternative to a culture that celebrates violence by serving as mentors to fatherless children, providing space for conflict resolution, and facilitating a constant ministry of reconciliation.

2. Imago Dei (Image of God)

We must recognize that all humans are created in the image of God, which serves as the foundational framework for engaging a culture that suffers from spiritual and cultural myopia.

3. Advance Life

Encourage adoption, and advocate for sanctity of life principles for the unborn and others.

4. Religious Liberty

Guard the liberties our founding fathers recognized, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

5. Protect Marriage

Defend this God-ordained, sacred institution against internal and external adversarial forces, including pornography, adultery, divorce, and judicial/legislative redefinitions.

Samuel Rodriguez