No Sex in the City

One Virgin's Confession on Love, Lust, Dating, and Waiting

by Cheri Stevenson

If you are a twenty-something female and looking for an honest reflection on “love, lust, dating and waiting” from a single lady’s perspective, this is the book for you. Author Lindsey Isham does not hold anything back in her book No Sex in the City. She lets readers in on her real life without covering up the details that many authors do not talk about. This approach is different from many Christian books you would traditionally read on the topic of relationships.

Lindsey has been traveling and speaking to audiences of youth and young adult women for over 13 years. She gives a new spin to the typical purity talk, teaching that sex is created by God and is, in fact, good. She says, “I just like talking about sex — the good stuff, the way it is supposed to happen — in marriage.”

Lindsey reminds her readers that even in their twenties, thirties, or later in life, waiting for the right relationship is still important. She shares candidly through her own experiences about the importance of not giving in to your desires, but continuing to keep your standards high. This book includes more than just dating advice. She covers topics from being single, to navigating the ins-and-outs of a relationship, to preparing for your wedding day, and future marriage.

Pastors and young-adult leaders would be wise to recommend No Sex in the City to the twenty or thirty-something females in their congregations.

Reviewed by Cheri Stevenson, student pastor, Central Assembly of God, Springfield, Missouri.