Managing The Millennials - Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today - Workforce
by Ryan Moore
CHIP ESPINOZA, MICK UKLEJA, CRAIG RUSCH (Wiley Publishers, 172 pp., hardcover)
When I first heard about Managing The Millennials — Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today’s Workforce, the title grabbed my attention. I was intrigued because I work with churches and ministries assisting them in their journey to impact young adults for the kingdom of God. I work hard “sounding the alarm” for ministry to Millennials (described in the book as those in their twenties). Pastors and leaders often ask, “Yeah, but how?”
This book helps answer the how. While the authors speak from a secular perspective, pastors can easily translate the principles into the church community.
On page 4, the authors state, “Businesses are struggling to keep pace with a new generation of young people entering the workforce who have starkly different attitudes and desires from employees over the past few decades.” Allow to me adjust this quote for church leaders: “Ministries are struggling to keep pace with a new generation of young people entering the church who have starkly different attitudes and desires from members over the past few decades.”
This book informs the reader of the core competencies of this generation. It also provides practical and proven management practices that pastors can transfer to church leadership. For example, the authors show how to address issues of entitlement, autonomy, and constant social connectivity, to name a few.
My wife and I read a few chapters every night and then discussed ways we could apply this material. The authors help answer more questions than any book I have read on this subject.
This book could potentially change your ministry, and I highly recommend it for any pastor, staff pastor, volunteer leader, board member, or church attendee. If you desire to connect with college and twentysomethings at a higher capacity, this book is fantastic. It is well written, an engaging read, very informative, and full of value for you to grow your ministry.
Reviewed by Ryan Moore, Assemblies of God young adult ministry coordinator, Springfield, Missouri.